Stephane Couturier was born in France, in 1957.
His work can be found in over 50 major museum and corporate collections around the world, including Musée de l’Elysée, Centre Georges Pompidou, Los Angeles County Museum, Art Institute of Chicago, National Gallery of Canada, or the Grand-Duc Jean Museum in Luxembourg. Moreover, Couturier was awarded the Nicephore Niepce prize in 2003, the 1999 Grant of Ville de Paris, and the Prix Paris-Photo in 1998 to name a few.
The photographs of Stephane Couturier, whether of construction sites in Berlin, demolished buildings in Havana, or an automobile assembly plant in Valenciennes, are all about transformation, a subject he explores with a strong sense of design and composition and a specific sense of color.
For some years now, alongside framed photographic prints, Couturier has been experimenting with other wall forms and materials: tapestry, or modular works, from wallpaper to polyptychs, playing on repetition and a different physical relationship between the viewer and the image. This desire to explore new forms has also led him to pursue work with video, in line with his photographic practice.
Stéphane Couturier thus questions the allegedly objective nature of the photographic medium: the image becomes a material. From this material, a machine to construct a combination of shapes which continuously updates the recorded reality is born.
Stéphane Couturier
142 rue du Faubourg Saint-Denis
75010 Paris - France
France: Galerie Christophe Gaillard
Switzerland: Galerie Christophe Guye
Germany: Galerie Kornfeld
Selective press:
The Daily Art Newspaper n°187 - 15 Janvier 2019
Le Monde n°21630 - August 3, 2014
Artpress n°412 - June, 2014
Eikon n°77 - 2012
Le Quotidien de l’Art n°154 - May 23, 2012
Télérama n°3253 - May 16, 2012
Connaissance des Arts - November, 2011
Artforum - December, 2007
Selective texts:
Quentin Bajac, Chandigarh Replay in Chandigarh Replay, Editions Ville Ouverte, 2007
André Rouillé, Melting Point in Melting Point, Editions Ville Ouverte / Transphotographic Press, 2006
Régis Durand, Opposite Attractions in Artpress n°214, June, 1996
Selective monographs:
«Entre-mondes» - September 2020
Sète #18 ImageSingulières - Editions Le Bec en l’Air - 2018
Stéphane Couturier - Editions Xavier Barral - 2016
SC - Editions Loco - 2015
Alger, Climat de France - Arnaud Bizalion Editeur - 2014
Stéphane Couturier - Photos et Vidéos - Ed. Fondation Salomon - 2012
Melting Point Continued - Fotohof Editions - 2010
Melting Power Alstom - Exhibition catalog - Belfort - 2009
Melting Point - Exhibition catalog - Tarragona - 2008
Chandigarh Replay - Editions Ville Ouverte - 2007
Melting Point - Editions Ville Ouverte / Transphotographic Press - 2006
Stéphane Couturier - Photographies - Editions Adam Biro - 2004
Stéphane Couturier - Mutations - Editions Bibliothèque Nationale de France - 2004
Landscaping - Editions Ville Ouverte - 2002